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Digital Bullet Hits: Bullet Holes in a Metal Door Part Two

Topics Covered:

  • Differences Between Partigons and HV Particles
  • Using a DP_Kit node and a Gradient to Color Partigon Particles by Age
  • Setting up a Particle Emitter
  • Surfacing Partigon Particles
  • Cloning and Placing Emitters
  • Setting the Start Time for Particles
  • HyperVoxel Sprite Smoke
  • Making Changes Using the Scene Editor
  • Mapping a Photograph Onto Simple Geometry to Add Depth
  • Adding a Volumetric Light
Part Two picks up where part one left off by adding sparks, smoke, the hangar interior and finishes with a couple variations on the project. First Dana demonstrates setting up Lightwave’s two different types of particles. From there we add spark particles then smoke particles to the door animation. Once the particles are in place we model some simple geometry and project a photograph on it forming the interior of the hangar. From there we move the camera inside and set up a volumetric light so we can see light rays beaming through the holes as the bullets punch through the door. Finally, we finish by moving back outside and setting up the door to look like bullets have dented the door but did not break through. This part of the tutorial is more about the process than specific tool settings. While we do touch on particles, workflow, modeling, and volumetric lights, we don’t go deep into any one subject.


  • Introduction to Metal Door Part Two
  • 12  Introduction to Particle Types in Lightwave
  • 13  Adding Sparks with Partigon Emitters Part One
  • 14  Adding Sparks with Partigon Emitters Part Two
  • 15  Adding Sparks with Partigon Emitters Part Three
  • 16  Adding Smoke with HV Emitters Part One
  • 17  Adding Smoke with HV Emitters Part Two
  • 18  Finishing the Smoke and Spark Particles
  • 19  Making the Hangar Interior
  • 20  Refining the Camera Move & Moving Inside Part One
  • 21  Moving Inside Part Two
  • 22  The Unholey Door
Project files are included so you can follow along even if you don’t have Part One.
TRT: 1 hour 55 minutes – Lightwave version 9 and Up. (Scene files are for LW 9.3 and up)

Digital Bullet Hits: Bullet Holes in a Metal Door
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Digital Bullet Hits: Bullets in a Metal Door 2 [dwb]
<p>Part Two of the Bullet Holes in a Metal Door tutorial picks up where part one left off by adding sparks and smoke (particle emitters), the interior of the hangar (very simple modeling), and making a couple of variations on the project. Project files are included so you can follow along even if you don't have Part One.</p> <iframe width="399" height="233" src=";hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p> <p>Video run time is 1hr 55 min</p> <a href="">Click for more details.</a>

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