November, 2010
Lightwave 3D 9.6 Rigging a T-Rex with Bones-by Adam Gibson
In this Rigging Video Course Lightwave Instructor Adam Gibson shows the beginner 3D student how to use the Bone Tools in Lightwave’s Layout to rig a Tyrannosaurus dinosaur. Weight Mapping is also covered in addition to show how to keep your character’s mesh stable during posing and animation. This video is an excellent way to learn how to quickly and easily get your characters set up so they can eventually be animated to walk, run, jump and much much more. Just $29.00USD
You’re a winner!
Actually, Nedd Jacobs is the winner of our first Liberty3D draw. Nedd has elected to pick up his free product and he chose UberCam 1.0! How did this happen? Well, Nedd, like many of you have subscribed to our site (see that subscription button on the right?) and by doing so, has been entered into our draw automatically. The winner is randomly selected through from our subscriber system which also includes anyone who has purchased a video or a tool from We will be doing more draws onRead More
LightWave 3D 9.6 Rigging a T-Rex with Skelegons-by Adam Gibson
In this 6 hour rigging course LightWave Instructor Adam Gibson shows the student how to easily set-up a Tyrannosaurus base skeleton using LightWave’s “Skelegons” Tool in modeler and then how to convert it to Bones in Layout. The video then continues to show the set-up process in Layout as well as how to apply Weight Maps for more control over your mesh. Problem solving, test deformations, and IK (Inverse Kinematics) are also shown in great detail. A perfect video for a beginner 3D student to get started rigging characters quickly.
In anticipation of LightWave 10, we are starting to get very excited here at Starting today and until the release of LW10 we are offering 25% off on all our videos and products. No, this isn’t a “blow out sale” of older videos. But it is a celebration of what we think will be the most massive and powerful update to LightWave3D in it’s 20 year history. That means big savings for you and a massive boost for the LightWave3D community. So get in on the action and joinRead More
Rememberance and Veterans Day Special
To honor those who have made the greatest of sacrifices to defend freedom, life and liberty – we are having a one day 30% off special on all the products through out the store. Use this special discount code at check out and receive 30% off on your purchases. COUPON CODE: HONOR Thank a Veteran today and every day! Support the troops!
Liberty3D UberCam update coming soon!
I just wanted to let you folks know that we are working towards an update of UberCam for LightWave3D and we will have some special enhancements and features ready for you shortly. Development is proceeding at the moment on several new products and tools from Liberty3D in conjunction with our Citizens and Friends of, looking towards the future with LightWave 10. The next update to UberCam is of course free and resolves some small issues while also bringing in some new functionality and cameras that you will able toRead More
Forums are temporarily down.
Our forums will be down temporarily for a while. Seems we’ve run into a glitch somewhere or our “friends” are playing games with us again. We will find out and get it back up and running ASAP. All other areas of the site are working correctly in the mean time. Kat Welcomes Javis Jones and Kiko Sato!
In case you haven’t noticed yet, we have some new citizens here at! While many of you have been aware that Kiko Sato (Developer of Bakudan and UberCam) is now on board we are also very happy to welcome Javis Jones to the Citizenry here at Liberty3d! While Kiko is busy working on new tools in the “Uber” family, Javis has helped to expand our video training products offering in the 3D-Coat section of the store by leaps and bounds! Together with Adam’s videos on 3D-Coat and zBrush andRead More