May, 2013
Free Video: Compositing Buffer Export

This video covers some of the functionality, workflow and quirks of LightWave 11.5’s Compositing Buffer Export. It’s not a comprehensive video about the tool, or the concept of multi-pass rendering, but it does show the basics of how to use the tool and warns about a fairly big gotcha with it.
New Video! Introduction to TurbulenceFD For LightWave3D

Kelly “Kat” Myers is back again with “Introduction to TurbulenceFD for LightWave3D”! Intended for first time users of TurbulenceFD as well as a reference for more experienced users of LightWave3D, this video tutorial will help in deciphering the various settings and meanings in the plug-in. Exploring the fundamental concepts behind computational fluid dynamics and TFD itself, Kat also shows you some of the “gotchas” that can easily frustrate new users. From tips on how to avoid certain types of crashes, unwanted artifacts in your TFD sims or renders to insightsRead More
Free Video: Procedural Fire Texture

Procedural Fire I stumbled upon a pretty nifty way to make a rolling fire procedural texture last week and polished it up a bit for this week’s video. This is all done as a Textured Environment backdrop and uses two Procedural Layers (their positions are animated) and two Gradient Layers The video shows me recreating the effect from scratch. I go through things pretty quickly as overview of the process, so if you want to match my settings exactly (which I don’t entirely recommend since it was just a quickRead More