Kelly “Kat” Myers is back again with “Introduction to TurbulenceFD for LightWave3D”!
Intended for first time users of TurbulenceFD as well as a reference for more experienced users of LightWave3D, this video tutorial will help in deciphering the various settings and meanings in the plug-in. Exploring the fundamental concepts behind computational fluid dynamics and TFD itself, Kat also shows you some of the “gotchas” that can easily frustrate new users. From tips on how to avoid certain types of crashes, unwanted artifacts in your TFD sims or renders to insights on optimization for speed this video has 24 main parts and 2 smaller sections introducing the video as well as plug-in installation covering all of the basic functions of the plug-in. Techniques and concepts behind fuel masking, normal force and pressure, surface texture emission and more are covered with scene files produced along the way so you can follow each section easily.
The first in a two part series, “Introduction to TurbulenceFD for LightWave3D” is an essential video in getting you up and running fast. The second video “TurbulenceFD For LightWave3D: Projects” will be released shortly at a discounted price.
Get your copy today and start setting things ablaze with TFD for LightWave!
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Approximate Duration: 325 min.
Price: $34.95
Check out more videos in this series:
Oh yeah….SOLD
Thanks heaps Kat 🙂
You are welcome!
The more advanced stuff will be covered in the follow up video. This is just an introductory type thing right now so watch this to get your head wrapped around the basics and we will get into the thick of it shortly (hope to have the next video on advanced projects out sometime around the end of this month).
That is great news…look forward to it.
sounds like a nice video! I think you should consider little lower price like other videos on this website. Or should be 50% discount for those who already bought your previous videos.
just a suggestion!
Hi Matt.
The second video will be much cheaper and yes I do plan on providing it to people who have bought the first one for a discounted price.
Thanks for the reply. So whats the discounted price for this video?
I can’t say just now, it depends on how many projects I record, but it will be well worth it. There are some things that I want to do that Jascha is addressing in the plug-in right now, so that they can be properly demonstrated and replicated. I actually have a fair amount of testing to do in the latest build and will be working with him on those things so that the projects are replicated easily without the crashes that have plagued a lot of people when working with the test content.
great video I learned quite a few things that I did not know about cannot wait for the second one.. There is one thing that has changed in the 1146 update up resing is different, additional large octaves is no longer there Jascha must have removed it for some reason.
Hey Kat, would you be willing to throw this into the UBERDEAL?
Is there a rendered animated sample of what you will be making
After watching this, I have a MUCH better idea of what the hell I’m doing when using TFD! Thanks!
First volume, Project: FireBall will be available shortly.
Ok the next installment is here. https://www.liberty3d.com/2013/09/tfd-advanced-projects-and-concepts-fireball/
There will be several of these in the series. I have to break them up as they are just too large to put into a single video package. The are priced accordingly based on the minutes per video. Some projects are longer some are shorter and I figured I would break them up so you can at your discretion download which ones you want based on what you want to learn instead of sitting through a bunch of stuff working on an effect you don’t want to do. This way you get what you want, get it quick with scene examples and you are off to the races.
Next one will be out VERY VERY soon.