May, 2016
Advanced LightWave3D Modeling Projects – Chevy Impala
Advanced LightWave3D Modeling Projects – Chevy Impala Car Model by Lewis3D! Get this complete project and model a 1958 Chevy Impala using spline patch modeling techniques. Lewis takes you through the entire process from start to finish including the setup of modeler to make the most efficient use of your time by placing the most often used tools in front of you for easy access. With 68 Chapters in total running just over 37 hours this tutorial will turn you into an expert Lightwave modeler! No details are left untouched,Read More
Save 25% during our Summer Kick Off Sale!
That’s right! It’s officially summertime and that means we have a great sale for you! Get 25% off all Training and Tools in our Store starting May 20th until June 3rd, 2016! Use the coupon code: L3DSummerKickOff at check out and snap up great savings to start your summer right. is the worlds LARGEST LightWave3D training resource with over 370 products to choose from covering LightWave3D, Fusion, zBrush, Modo, Photoshop, and more. No one else can truly make this claim or even come close. Remember it!
Fusion for LightWave Artists Part III Now available!
Kat has just released Fusion for LightWave Artists Part III! In part III of Fusion for LightWave Artists, Kelly “Kat” Myers breaks new ground in the series as he walks you through a complete shot to recreate a news broadcast style “playback” element using the assets from Iron Sky.Many years ago, Kat worked for a company that specialized in this area of film and television effects production working with Fusion and LightWave to produce video playback that would be used on set. This tutorial goes from start to finish includingRead More
Fusion for LightWave Artists Part III
In part III of Fusion for LightWave Artists, Kelly “Kat” Myers breaks new ground in the series as he walks you through a complete shot to recreate a news broadcast style “playback” element using the assets from Iron Sky. Many years ago, Kat worked for a company that specialized in this area of film and television effects production working with Fusion and LightWave to produce video playback that would be used on set. This tutorial goes from start to finish including the tracking in Syntheyes of a plate shot usingRead More
TFD Advanced Concepts and Projects – Clouds
“Why is it so hard to make freaking clouds!?” – That is a question that has been bothersome for practically every single LightWave3D artist for decades. Solutions to producing clouds in LightWave including its own HyperVoxels and Skytracer tools or plug-ins/connectable apps such as E-On Software’s (now part of Bentley Systems) Ozone and Vue – all have massive drawbacks. These range from ease of use, photorealism (or lack there of), lack of control, render speed (slow), stability and cost. There has always been a “catch” with the tools out there intendedRead More