Training Videos Training is great for anyone, from pros to people just starting out. Our instructors are just like you; people who use software to make a living in the VFX, Games, Film/TV and New Media Industries, but even if you are just using the software for fun or your own personal projects you will be able to take your knowledge further with Training.
Each of our instructors have years, in some cases decades of experience in these areas and we are committed to bringing you the best possible training at the best price. Our site is very young but already many in the Lightwave3D and Fusion communities have stood up and taken notice of the training materials we have already produced. Our promise to you is to keep doing this. Many people out there don’t want you to know as much as you can know about this software and are very protective of its secrets and the techniques that are possible with these packages. Those days are coming to an end.
We are driven by the fact that when many of us started out ourselves in this business, there were simply no schools or even videos available to learn from and while there are many outlets from schools to other training sites around for which you can learn from, many of them rarely hit the spot when it comes to hands on, practical tips, techniques and methods used to make digital content in a production environment. Even if that production environment is just a one man operation, these techniques and the knowledge contained in our training is applicable, perhaps even more so.
Get the training you need and want and increase your G.S.D. factor. Get training.
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LightWave3D Training material. From Modeler to Layout and everything in between has you covered.