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November, 2015


Instant 3D Turntable for LightWave3D

Instant 3D Turntable for LightWave3D Use this toolkit and the free version of Unity 5 to create amazing standalone turntables and interactive scenes. Leverage the power of Physically Based Rendering and drag and drop controls to create an amazing experience for clients and customers. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a unique and engaging way to show off your mad 3D skills. So you finished your cool new 3D model and now you want to show it off, but you don’t have time to learn all that WebGL stuff… or maybe you feel weird aboutRead More

Create Distortion Free UV Maps- UVLayout for Lightwave Users- Volumes #1 & #2

UV Mapping has always been one of the most challenging and dreaded aspects for creating amazing textures for 3D models. 3D artists around the world know this pain as it can be a very lengthy process trying to get your UV Maps with as little “Texture Distortion” as possible with manual tweaking methods which is necessary in most typical 3D packages. In this video course 3D Instructor Adam Gibson will be showing how to get started fast using the amazing “UV Layout” Software Package with Lightwave 3D!! Although Lightwave 3DRead More