February, 2011
EdgePack Docs

Jeric has posted some nicely formatted documents for the EdgePack suite of edge tools by James Willmott.
Project Messiah and LightWave pipeline

The insanely good $10 Dare to Share deal for a full license of the excellent Project Messiah Studio is getting very close to meeting its goal, so you may only have a short time left to get this deal before the price goes back to normal. If you’re a LightWave user and wondered just why you’d want to purchase an external 3rd party tool for animation, then Liberty3D citizen Kevin Phillips has produced a quick little demo showing how Messiah and LightWave interconnect to provide a great animation production pipeline!Read More
Crazy Awesome LW tools from Japan!

I have absolutely no idea what this website says, but the demo videos of some of the stuff this guy is coming up with are awesome. Crazy deformers, real-time celshading views in LightWave’s viewport and all kinds of other stuff. One tool to look for is “Mesh Sketch”. Watch the demo videos for it and then check out his site. http://www.3dcel.jp/index.html
Free Fusion QuickTip – Shake Modifier

The Shake Modifier in Eyeon Fusion is the equivalent of the ever-useful Wiggle expression inside of After Effects. So how do you use it? Come check out this great little video tutorial from professional film maker and art director Jeremy Hughes to find out more!
Project Messiah : Viral Sales deal!

Project Messiah, a fantastic character animation system, is currently doing a viral marketing campaign and offering their tools up at the ridiculous price of only $10 (Basic) and $40 (Pro) for their tools. Usually priced between $499 to $1195, these tools are incredibly cheap – and with its powerful character rigging, dynamics, hair and animation toolset, along with integration with applications such as LightWave3D, Maya, SoftImage, Cinema4D and more – You’d be crazy to not take advantage of this amazing application!
Free! Quick Modeling, Surfacing and Lighting tutorial

Artist James Wilmott posted this image to the gallery a few days ago and had a few requests to do a tutorial on it, so here it is. You’ll have to register on our forums to view it, it’s 20 minutes long and covers modeling, surfacing and lighting. Best of all, it’s completely free. No cost to register and no cost to download. Go here for the download link!