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November, 2011


Iron Sky – Day 200!

Yeah, 200 days! So what have we learned from all of this madness? Well the lesson or today which can carry on else where is the importance fo previs and how its not “just an animatic that you can screw with until the very last minute”. That’s one. Second, Have enough drive space. Third, when you get drive space, build it into a proper system that deals with heavy network load and highspeed requests better than your average bs linux home server product that gives you no control, that usuallyRead More

LWCAD 4.0 Released

LWCAD 4 showing UV map created in boolean cut

Once again Viktor Velicko supercharges LightWave with LWCAD 4.0; a suite of tools that make modeling faster and more powerful, especially architectural modeling.

Iron Sky – Day 195

We are almost at the 200 day mark here for Iron Sky and our time on it (well, Luke and I that is).  Right now Luke is taking a break shooting people in the head and being shot dead in some video game that he’s playing while I am going through the paces of finding the sweet spot for a render with a dozen or so HV fire, smoke and other pyrotechnics stuff in LightWave3D 11. The New Unified Sampling system really makes for some interesting results in terms ofRead More

LightWave Plugin of the Week: Thickener 3.5

This weeks plugin is called Thickener. I’m guessing that many of you are already familiar with Thickener, but for those who aren’t I’ve put together a quick video showing you this tool. The tool has been created by Christian Bloch (Blochi) and while contacting him for permission to add the plugin to the Benelux Lightwave Resource he was so kind as to update the plugin to 3.5 making it compatible with LightWave 9.3 up to LightWave 11 for both PC and MAC! You can download version 3.5 here. — CharlotRead More

Thanksgiving Sale!

The fall/winter holiday season is upon us. For some of us that means time off of work and, if you don’t have family obligations, it’s a great time to learn some new skills or add to your cg arsenal.

LightWave Plugin of the Week: Radial Move

Hi there, It’s been a crazy few weeks for me, so the plugin of the week kind of slipped through the cracks. I wanted to post something this week, but I don’t have a full blown demo to show you. I did notice a new script by Falogfx on NewTek’s forum that looks like it’ll be a handy one to have. Radial Move is a free LScript that lets you scale tubular bits of geometry while maintaining the volume of the walls, i.e. the walls of the tube don’t getRead More

Iron Sky – Day 187

The home stretch is in sight now. After a very long week of ups and downs with few victories due to technical BS (and immediate knee jerk reaction by some, but deflected by me to find the real problem which as it turned out was something I warned against a long time ago – but it doesn’t matter though, or does it?) we are very tired. On the flip side we are now down to the last batch of shots for our next delivery and then there are some fixesRead More

LightWave3D Eleven (That’s 11)

For those of you who are not paying attention. When you are done drooling, stop doing that and get your credit card out and pick up the pre-release version now. Yes, you can buy the full version and get your hands on it before ships at the 11.0 gold edition today. Have fun! 🙂

Iron Sky – Day 178

I didn’t get much sleep last night. It’s apparently completely acceptable in Finland to come home completely blasted out of your mind and play guitar and sign Nirvana songs badly until 5:30AM. I had to get up twice to go down stairs to this jerks place and knock on his door to ask him to shut the fuck up to no effect. Either way I’m pretty sleepy and a bit pissed off today. In other happy kat news we are still pushing through the last remaining shots to go hereRead More

Iron Sky – 176

Not much to report today. Im actually doing laundry at the kitty’s place (Black Tabby!) for the day because I was absolutely out of anything to wear. It’s certainly hard living out of a suitcase that’s for sure. Besides laundry, other things going on related to what we are doing at Iron Sky are having an impact on the other side of the planet. For of those of you in the Los Angeles Area, who can make it to the NewTek VFX Minds Event, be on the look out forRead More

Iron Sky – Day 172

It’s early on Tuesday morning here at the Energia Productions offices. Ari, our compositor for a bulk of our shots from the LightWave team is here early as well and we are checking renders and other stuff from the night. The main server nose dived right in the middle of the night a few hours ago. I hope we didn’t loose anything data wise or too much time with re-rendering any frames that have failed during that downtime. Fortunately it seems that almost everything we wanted to get rendered isRead More