July, 2013
Free Video: LightWave Trail Trick & More

Here’s another way to do some kind of trails in LightWave. This is probably best left to a post production tool, but you might be able to get some unique custom looks especially if you start experimenting with adding a textured filter on the images. There are a couple of other free videos on my YouTube channel that I didn’t post about here. – dwburman
Post Siggraph Report

Hello there in Internet-Landia! Wow, what a whirlwind week. Now that we are back from Siggraph, Liberty3D is already working on new tutorials, new product development and more. For the moment I would like to report on some of the stuff we saw and the conversations we had with many people at the LightWave3D Group booth. First off we had a fantastic time at the show and we would like to thank the LightWave3D Group and the presenters for making it a lot of fun. Of course everyone was veryRead More
LightWave Product News from Siggraph!

The LightWave development team has been busy over the last few months. ChronoSculpt ChronoSculpt is an amazing looking new product from the LightWave Group that gives cg artists the ability to edit cached animation files and to sculpt over time. It does not appear to create new geometry, but it can throw a massive amount of polygons around with blazing speed. Using ChronoSculpt’s streamlined, uncluttered environment artist’s can retime clips, move pieces around, fix pieces in place and globally change the shape of the cached geometry so it looks likeRead More
Kelly “Kat” Myers’ Siggraph Presentation

Our own Kelly “Kat” Myers gave a presentation at the NewTek booth showing how they used LightWave 11’s (then) new instancing tools to build shots for Iron Sky. http://youtu.be/BYeFsqaGSw0 Thank you for your patience in waiting for this video to be republished by the LightWave Group
Liberty3d Siggraph Report

HI there happy Liberty3d.com fans and fluffy kat types! Liberty3d.com is here in Anaheim, dodging Mickey Ear Wearing children and booth bunnies wearing… some stuff, and it’s an already very interesting show… but wait! It’s not even started yet. However we got an amazing behind the scenes preview of some really really cool stuff. We unfortunately have to hold back any information until the morning where and when The LightWave3D Group is going to release to the world some really really spiffy awesome goodies! Ok that’s enough wacky mouseRead More
Siggraph Schedule

The LightWave Group has published the schedule for Siggraph 2013 on their website. We will be there all week so make sure to catch my presentation on Tuesday 11:30 at the LightWave Group Booth! Great give aways from Mushkin and Liberty3d.com to be had! Make sure you have your pass if you don’t already. You can sign up for one directly off of the LightWave3d.com website. Check it out and see you at the show! https://www.lightwave3d.com/siggraph_2013/
db&w – Siggraph 2013 plugin sale…

From the 21st July to 31st of July 2013, db&w – the developers of the Shadermeister, Infinimap, frameD and the extremely popular exrShader plugins – will be offering a special discount on their tools to celebrate the event. Use the code SIGGRAPH2013 – but not until 21st July. A great chance to get hold of some of the best plugins for LightWave. For those of you also visiting Siggraph in Anaheim this year, the LightWave 3D Group will be giving away db&w t-shirts as well as licenses of db&w’s pluginsRead More
Pacific Rim

Ok for anyone who has any doubts about Pacific Rim, go see the film in Imax 3D if you can. It’s very well done and delivers on exactly what a blockbuster film should be. Entertainment!