October, 2011
Iron Sky – Day 166

Due to us being crazy busy I haven’t been able to provide you happy fans of the Iron Sky LW team blog a new entry in almost 2 weeks that had any juicy bits to it. Well, today I hope to make up for it. Problem with doing this blog is that I can only talk about so much. I don’t want to give away the plot to the show and some of the stuff we are doing and with what I can’t even mention. So that makes it difficultRead More
Liberty3D brings in Benelux LightWave Resource (BLR)

We are very proud to announce that effective immediately the Benelux Lightwave Resource is now part of Liberty3D.
LightWave Plugin of the Week: CM Polygon Divider Tools

This weeks plugin actually contains three plugins. Created some time ago by Carl Merrit, they allow for a quick Polygon divide especially handy for subpatch modeling.
Iron Sky – Day 158

First of I must say sorry to everyone who is out there and has been reading regularly and have been looking for more updates on our progress. We are deeeeeep in the thick of it and our schedule is pretty immovable so please forgive me for the lack of regular updates. In other words we are super stupid busy. However later tonight I may get a moment or two to do an additional post here on the Liberty3d.com site. Stand by please.. 🙂
LightWave Plugin of the Week: UberCam

This week’s plugin is our very own UberCam plugin. UberCam is actually a set of over a dozen cameras for LightWave. UberCam is still being maintained and improved and version 1.9 was just released.
Iron Sky – Day 153

After a couple of days here doing night shifts and the other guys pulling in extra hours things are starting to come together and we are pretty much on track but like any show where you have to depend on computers for anything you become a slave to their speeds and how many of them you have. We picked up a bunch of additional nodes a few weeks back, and I am very very thankful they are here. However, due to various technical issues with respect to how things wereRead More
Iron Sky – Day 149

I’m doing the night shift here at Energia on Iron Sky. My goal for the evening is to get 3 shots into render. I have been here since midnight after leaving to get some sleep around 5PM earlier today, or yesterday or whatever it was or is. So far though out of 3 shots I have one in and its just about 4AM, and I have two more to go and I will be a happy kat I guess. I’m a little concerned with some technical stuff once things goRead More
Iron Sky – Day 147

It’s Monday morning here in Tampere at the VFX offices of Iron Sky and I have been working on a nice little live action shot where we get to integrate our wonderful Valkyries into a shot of “New York”. Not trying to give away the plot or anything but all my work this week along with a bit of help from Luke and Tuomas and Mark will be for a sequence that takes place in NYC. Around mid-august our Director, Timo went with the DoP and producer of the showRead More
UberCam 1.9 Update!

Kiko has been very busy working on updates to UberCam and we are now releasing it to the public after a decent and successful round of Beta Testing. Special thanks go out to Ken, Jim, Charly and Dana for hammering on this thing. We also want to thank all of our citizens and users of Liberty3D UberCam over the past year since it was first released. Because of users like you, Ubercam is now being used all over the world and rendering shots on some pretty amazing stuff. That isRead More
Lightwave Plugin of the Week: Align & Distribute

Another Modeler plugin I’ve been using lately is Artur Wawrzonkiewicz’s Align and Distribute. This plugin brings Adobe-like alignment and distribution tools to Lightwave Modeler. This is an Lscript-based plugin, so it can work in several versions of LW and, since it’s free, you can easily check it out to see if it works for you. It is primarily a LW 9.x plugin, although it does partially work in LW10.1. (I’ve been using it on a Mac) The plugin can be found at the Artur’s website: http://www.artssphere.com – Direct Link: http://www.artssphere.com/plugins/alignanddistribute.phpRead More
Help Bring Welcome to the Cosmos to life!

As some of you know, Tim Oliver and I did the VFX work on Welcome to the Cosmos back in 2009. Nick Hallum has been working to complete the rest of “season” scripts with his writing team and the creators of the show with consultation coming in from none other than Michael Rymer. Don’t know who that is? Well you should. I worked with Michael on several episodes of Battle Star Galactica as he directed a shuwack of them throughout the run of the series. Quality SciFi potential Factor? IncrediblyRead More
5 years of exrTrader – 25% off all products at db&w

exrTrader by db&w has turned five. To celebrate, db&w are offering a discount of 25% on all products until the 7th of October. The voucher code is HAPPYDAY For more information visit their website.
Iron Sky – Day 139

Sunday, Sunday, Someday! That’s right! Come on down and get your shots rendered! It’s Sunday Render Farm Madness! As you might have guessed it’s Sunday and all we are doing is rendering shots and making a list, of things to do next. The compositing team is in today to comp a number of shots for our delivery this week (tomorrow) and once Lee gets his freaking shots off the farm (I’m teasing of course, his shots are going to look great!) I can throw the entire mega computing cluster (weRead More