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March, 2011


Lego Blade Runner – A Short CG Film

I found a fun short film that combines Lego and Blade Runner. This would feel fresher if there weren’t all those Lego video games (Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones) out there. Still, this is a well executed personal project, and it doesn’t take long to watch, so check it out. This short was made in Lightwave (and After Effects, and Premiere Pro) by VFX artist Leo Tierney. Check out his reel and other work at his website:

So you think Stereo3D is a fad? Guess again.

For those of you who are still having doubts about Stereoscopic 3D and its longevity you need to pull your head out of your Apple product for more than 30 seconds and look around.

HTC, a company whose products I have used and currently have an HTC Tytn II Phone from several years ago now (and its still working really good all things considered) has now fully released it’s debut 3D phone. I present to you the HTC Evo 3D!

Digital Bullet Hits: Bullet Holes in a Metal Door Part Two

Part Two of the Bullet Holes in a Metal Door tutorial is now available. This set of videos and project files picks up where part one left off by adding sparks and smoke (particle emitters), the interior of the hangar (very simple modeling), and making a couple of variations on the project.

Time-Lapse Modeling: Samsung Cell Phone

Rodrigo Caetano is posting time-lapse videos of a Lightwave modeling, rendering and compositing project on Vimeo. Watching other people model, even without narration, can be beneficial to beginners and pros as well. These videos (so far) show setting up reference images and doing a lot of sub-division modeling.

Digital Bullet Hits: Metal Door Part One

Learn how a simple image can be used to surface and deform a metal door.

3D-Coat 3.5 Photo Painting an Elephant

In this tutorial 3D-Coat Instructor Adam Gibson demonstrates the powerful photo painting tool-set inside of 3D-Coat.

Getting Started with DP_Instance Mini-Tutorial

Pumpkins Instanced by DP_Instance

DWBurman has put together a mini-tutorial that shows how to get started with Denis Pontonnier’s DP_Instance plugin. DP_Instance is a powerful new volumetric plugin for cloning geometry at render time. Watch it at YouTube or Vimeo