Kats’ Korner!
Hi, if you have found this section that means you have been poking around looking for goodies and news!
Well that’s a good thing. Why? Because now that you have found this section I can give you some insider news and links to other cool stuff.
For example, Liberty3d.com now has a Freebies Section!
How do you access this stuff? It’s pretty easy… here is what you do. It’s a two step process so pay close attention.
Step 1. Hit our forums and register. Once you are registered you will have a new area called “Free Stuff” or “Freebies” listed in the forum itself. In there you will find links to all kinds of great stuff from our Citizens and Friends of Liberty3D. If you can’t see this it means you are not logged in and to be logged in you need to be a member of our forums. It’s simple, fast and easy so join up now!
Step 2. Enjoy neat cool goodies!
Do you want to Win stuff?!
Did you know that by subscribing to our site, that you are automatically entered for our monthly draw to win a free product of your choice from our store(Bundles or Collections are excluded)? All you have to do is subscribe to our newsletter.
Enter your name and emeowl address and if you win you will be notified! It’s that simple. We started to do the monthly give away because we know that sometimes people need a little perk every once in a while, just when you are having a crummy day and it all seems to blow chunks – you might get an email from us saying you’ve won!
Do you want to Join us? Service Guarantees Citizenship!
Liberty3D.com has quickly become the LEADING training site for LightWave3D and 3DCoat videos and our site isn’t even a year old yet. We have risen to top in these areas because we have artists on board who are like you. Artists!
We are always looking for new people to join us in this quest to liberate training material from the dull, boring, over priced and low quality stuff you see all over the place these days. So if you are interested in producing a video, helping out and joining up, then emeowl me or one of our Citizens.
Because we operate with an incredibly low cost of overhead, and because we are free market economics lovers – we offer an incredibly high return of each sale to the artist of the training material they have on sale with us. It’s probably the highest percentage in the industry. PERIOD. So that’s a great benefit for sure, but what’s more is that we don’t restrict you at all. You can sell your training videos or products elsewhere including your own site.
So if you have a plug-in for LightWave3D, or tools for Fusion or some other neat application or training videos you want to sell – you can do it here and have the full support of a community of Citizens and Friends of Liberty3d.com behind you.
The choice is yours.
Thank you for visiting this section! More neat stuff is coming!
Got news? Send me an emeowl!
kat@ liberty3d.com (remove the space, but keep on exploring it!)
Kelly Lee Myers (Kat)
Founding Feline and Citizen