March, 2014
SyFlex for LightWave3D 11.6.x
The wonderful people over at Syflex have updated their Syflex for LightWave3D plug-in to work with 11.6 and up. Not only that, but if you order now you can get it for 90% OFF!
3D Coat v4.1 released
Pilgway studio is announced 3D-Coat version 4.1 has been officially released and is available for download. The update introduces multiple innovations and great improvements to the application.
Back online!
Well it wasn’t easy but in the end it was a simple fix to get us back online. First of all I want everyone to know that none, and I mean NONE of our customer information was compromised during this incident. Our system isn’t set up in a way where that information is exposed. Secondly, I would like to thank the Citizens of for their assistance in working this problem through and as a result we were down for less than 48 hours. We have corrected the problems thatRead More
Battle of The Game Engine Planets
Yup, it’s EDC week and the chaos has begun…. As many of you know game engine technology is constantly evolving and rapidly improving as hardware capabilities also advance. Not only that, it seems that many of the game engine companies have finally “figured it out” when it comes to pricing for licensing on a game that’s released. The people over at always kind of had a really good handle on this. The folks over at Epic however took a while but they seem to have come around as well.Read More
March Mayhem! 25% off All L3D Brand Products!
Yup! It’s MarchMayhem here at and we are giving you the chance to get 25% off your purchases of brand products using the coupon code: MarchMayhem when you finish putting your purchase items in your cart to get the full discount. Take advantage of the saving to pick up the latest videos and those you have missed recently. Don’t forget to also check out our own tools including UberCam, TA-Tools and Quadpanels for LightWave3D. Sale lasts until March 31st!
Special Crossgrade Pricing for XSI Artists and Studios!
As you may know, Autodesk announced this past week that they are discontinuing Softimage XSI. Rumors about XSI being killed off started almost immediately after Autodesk bought XSI in 2007/08. Finally those rumors have amounted to a dark reality for studios and the last version of XSI to ship will be released on April 24th, 2014 with support stopping April 30th, 2016. While it may seem like there is “life” to XSI and several users are trying to figure out how to pry the software from Autodesk in an attemptRead More
LightWave3D 11.6.2 now in Open Beta
The wonderful people at the LightWave Group have released 11.6.2 to OpenBeta this evening. (Working late guys and gals?) Here is a note that just came across our desks from the Burbank Offices of the LightWave Group” The LightWave 3D Group has released a second Open Beta of the next update for LightWave, version 11.6.2. Please log into your account and view the list of Registered Products to download the latest version of the software. Click Here to log into your Account A list of the major changes is availableRead More