November, 2012
World Machine Foundations – Creating amazing terrains!

Liberty3D presents World Machine Foundations, a series of training videos that introduce the core tools and techniques required for getting started creating your own terrain with the excellent World Machine software! World Machine can create amazing results – from advanced procedural textures to industry quality erosion system, its a tool you should consider for generating amazing landscapes for your projects.
Larry Shultz passes away – The loss of a community icon
It is with immense sadness that we have to announce that Larry Shultz died early this morning around 4:00am NZST. As many would have known, Larry has been seriously ill for some time now, however this never really seemed to place much of a damper on his jovial personality. It is a huge loss for everybody. Our hearts and prayers are with his family at this time…
Vue 11 Released
E-on has release the latest version of their line of 3D tools. It may not all be good news, however.
Coming Soon: OctaneRender for LightWave3D
How cool is this? Yes, it’s real and yes its coming soon. OctaneRender is a product of Otoy, but the plug-in is third party developed. More details soon as we get them! 🙂 Check out some of the videos below! Looks very fun and useful for sure. Octane Render Octane Render for Lightwave from juanjgon on Vimeo.
Robotech Valkyrie Project Teaser – A Fan Film with VFX that Wow

There’s a new teaser out for a Robotech Fan Film. There doesn’t seem to be much information out on it just yet, but the teaser has some impressive visual effects work in it. Robotech Valkyrie Project is a live-action Robotech fan film by Creavision. You can check out the teaser for yourself at the project website or just watch it here: They also put together a shot breakdown for the teaser that includes shots from one of our favorite 3D packages. There’s a little more information on theRead More
Practical Production Techniques – Vol. 5!

Kelly “Kat” Myers is back with a brand new video for LightWave3D 11.x in Practical Production Techniques Vol. 5! This video covers many of the new features found in LightWave3D 11 including the new flocking system, instancing, unified sampling overview, MDD baking techniques combined with quick IKBoost rigging and animation and more. A project based tutorial, you get 115 minutes of hands on training in these new functions guided by Kat who shows you the concepts behind the tools to create a school of swimming prawns, taking advantage of severalRead More
Free Video – LightWave Experiment: Fun With Normals

D.W.Burman just posted a new video showing some of the stuff you can do by blending the Geometric Normal and Smoothed Normal outputs of the Spot Info Node.