May, 2020
Major LightForge Render Network Updates!

Over the last couple of weeks we have been very busy working to improve and provide additional compatibility and capacity of the LightForge Render Network. We have produced a number of videos that LightWave3D users can check out below. Getting Started Guide MDD and Color Space Demo LightWave3D 2018 – 2020.x GI Caches demo StarPro 2.2 – 2.3 LightForge Render Network Demo Anniversary Sale Extended! – Deep Rising 3 Discount!

We have extended our sale! Join us in celebrating 30 years of amazing LightWave3D history and future greatness during our 10th Anniversary special as continues to bring you new training, tools, technology and services to the LightWave3D community. Use our coupon code: 30YearsOfLightWave-10YearsOfLiberty3D to get 30% off your purchases off almost everything in our store until May 31st, 2020. As an extra bonus for LightWave3D users around the world, we have teamed up with Deep FX World to bring you a special 15% off coupon code that you will receive from us afterRead More