July, 2015
Some inspiration for RealFlow
I haven’t seen Age of Ultron yet (yeah I know…), but Zoic Studios in Vancouver worked on several of the VFX sequences for the film. While they used Maya as the host application, based on what I am reading in this article there really isn’t much you wouldn’t be able to do on some of these shots using LightWave with a bit of work and a fair amount of calculation horse power. http://www.realflow.com/product/production/casestudies/40/
Independence Day Sale
Happy Independence Day! Get 25% off with Coupon Code: ID4 Don’t forget that this applies to just about everything in our store, including bundled products and software.
Fourth of July Fireworks set up in LightWave3D
Well, it’s nearly the Fourth of July, and here in the United States, that means fireworks displays. It’s been a long time since dwburman has put out a tutorial, but here are a couple of old and free tutorials that he made that fit with the season. Fireworks part 1 – Particle Emitter Setup And, while he didn’t label it as part 2, it pretty much covers what part 2 would have covered: the sparkling bits. Making Particles Sparkle in LightWave 3D YouTube hosts some really good examples of fireworks made by otherRead More