Anniversary Sale Extended! – Deep Rising 3 Discount!
We have extended our sale!
Join us in celebrating 30 years of amazing LightWave3D history and future greatness during our 10th Anniversary special as continues to bring you new training, tools, technology and services to the LightWave3D community. Use our coupon code: 30YearsOfLightWave-10YearsOfLiberty3D to get 30% off your purchases off almost everything in our store until May 31st, 2020.
As an extra bonus for LightWave3D users around the world, we have teamed up with Deep FX World to bring you a special 15% off coupon code that you will receive from us after any purchase here on that you can put towards a new seat of Deep Rising FX 3.0 for LightWave3D!
Check out the features of Deep Rising FX 3.0 for LightWave!
Product Details
Deep Rising FX is a versatile state of the art physically based animation package. A flexible particle system drives the core, that allows different simulation techniques to be incorporated into it. Deep Rising FX excels at delivering highly detailed and realistic fluid simulations.A wide array of physically based fluid effects can be achieved easily.
Deep Rising FX is very artist friendly and it strives to deliver predictable and manageable simulations, while remaining approachable.
Pristine photo real motion blur at your fingertips. Use Lightwaves state of the art rendering kit to produce pathtraced motion blur. Or produce motion vector passes to export to your favorite composition application.
SPlisHSPlasH is an open-source library for the physically-based simulation of fluids. The simulation in this library is based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method which is a popular mesh-less Lagrangian approach to simulate complex fluid effects. The SPH formalism allows an efficient computation of a certain quantity of a fluid particle by considering only a finite set of neighboring particles. One of the most important research topics in the field of SPH methods is the simulation of in-compressible fluids. SPlisHSPlasH implements current state-of-the-art pressure solvers to simulate in-compressibility. Moreover, the library provides different methods to simulate viscosity, surface tension and vorticity.
Finally you can use the power of your GPU to simulate breath taking simulations. OpenCL support is not an after-thought, the solvers have been rebuilt from ground up to push your hardware to the limit. This isn’t a gimmicky feature, watch as Deep Rising uses 95% of your raw GPU processing power to deliver faster results.
Add secondary affects like bubbles, foam and spray to create more interesting and detailed scenes.
Now you can go beyond the realm of fluid simulations, and create granular simulations. Simulate sand, salt or any other material that displays those qualities with ease.
Calmer and stable simulations. Using state of the art technology, you can simulate high velocity fluid simulations without encountering unnecessary erratic behaviour.
Mesh your liquid simulations using the same technology used in your favourite block buster films. Filters allow you to mould and shape to your hearts content until you get the perfect results.
Motion Blur


OpenCL Solvers

Bubbles, Foam & Spray

Granular Solver
Improved Pressure Solver
OpenVDB Meshing Support
And a lot more features!

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