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Practical Production Techniques Vol. 23 from Kelly “Kat” Myers is a shot study and recreation of a VFX shot from The Asylum’s “Top Gunner 3” which was released in the early fall of 2023 on various streaming networks worldwide. In this title, Kat gets straight into it with a scene where an experimental 6th Generation US Fighter Jet (but production decided to use the YF-23 Black Widow model, which was the design loser in the F-22 competition back in the early 1990s) launches a missile and destroys a Russian Su-53 Felon fighter jet. Several areas of LightWave3D production are coveredRead More
Practical Production Techniques Vol 21 is a 5.5-hour (plus bonus video!) tour de force of VFX Editing and other Previs process and logic to approaching the shot breakdown and logging methodology found in modern visual effects budgeting and supervision. But this title is much more than that!Taking the last “big sequence” of VFX needed to complete the short film “Curse of the Phantom Shadow” which itself contains over 80 Visual Effects shots for 4 minutes out of the 30+ minute film that has over 400 vfx shots (so far); this process is critical for many reasons. Shot logging into aRead More
Phil Nolan walks you through the finer points of modeling a car wheel in Moment of Inspiration (MoI 3D) and how to export and render it in LightWave3D 2019.1.5. This is a great tutorial for artists who want to get started using this very user friendly CAD software but don’t know where to begin. This is complete tutorial providing end to end project details and files so you are up and running fast! Just $19.95USD
In this first volume of the LightWave 2023 Series 3D Instructor Adam Gibson introduces LightWave 2023’s powerful toolset. A great place to start for beginner LightWave Users. Some of theRead More
GOAL REACHED! But you still have time to get in on our SyFlex for LightWave3D group buy-in! Earlier today (monday oct 22nd) we reached the max discount goal for SyFlex.Read More
As I mentioned on facebook a few days back… “Greetings LightWavers and feline friends! 6 years ago I started with Larry Shultz, Adam Gibson,James Willmott, Dana Burman and CharlotRead More
Just a quick note. We have updated UberCam 2.0 to UberCam 2.0.1. This update fixes a number of small issues and some crashes on certain systems. This update requires theRead More
Yes! Finally after a long long time, we have released Weighter 2.0 as a C/C++ compiled plugin for LightWave3D Modeler (9.x and up to 11.6). Check out the details here.
Words cannot really describe how impressive these tools are. Real-Time Interactive, stupidly useful is about as close as we can come right now. Here is what we are talking about.Read More
In case you haven’t noticed yet, is now the official and exclusive distributor of Timothy Albee’s TA-Tools Suite for LightWave3D. You can read more about this package here. InRead More
Dana W. Burman shows how a simple node set up with DP Kit’s Part Move (Denis Pontonnier’s awesome plugin) can be used to make some rather cool and impressive movingRead More
Hello there in Internet-Landia! Wow, what a whirlwind week. Now that we are back from Siggraph, Liberty3D is already working on new tutorials, new product development and more. For theRead More
If you’ve been frustrated by the way Photoshop loads Alpha channels in .EXR files, there is a solution if you’re using CS5 or higher on the PC or a Mac with an Intel Processor.
Procedural Fire I stumbled upon a pretty nifty way to make a rolling fire procedural texture last week and polished it up a bit for this week’s video. This isRead More
This update was quickly replaced with a far better version, which can be found here… Export STL version 2.0 Thanks! -Chilton
New freebie video from DWBurman: Baking Normal Maps in LightWave isn’t quite as easy as it should be. There are a few plugins that can help. In this video IRead More
Item-Picker-Pro A nice little picker script like the ones in Maya. Draw out hit boxes on an image of your character to pick the rig items you’ve assigned to eachRead More
TurbulanceFD, the fire and smoke voxel plugin which has been used in productions such as Terra Nova & Iron Sky, has finally moved from beta to an official v1.0 release.
If you’re one of those people who were impressed by the volumetric editing and rendering capabilities of VoluMedic, but couldn’t afford the $1,000+ price tag, you’ll be happy to hear that VoluMedic CE has most of that power at price point that’s less than the cost of a LightWave upgrade.
A couple of days ago, TrueArt announced a new free plugin named “UnMultishift” which was designed to make your modeling life a bit easier by ‘undoing’ bevel operations. Essentially, it’sRead More
For years it’s been a real chore to get camera and other data from LightWave to After Effects. There were ways to do it, but none were nearly as easy to use as AE Link.
This week’s plugin is Align to Point by Matt Gorner. Align to Point moves selected geometry to the last selected point with a few options.
Thanks go to Liberty3d forum member, TheMyth212, for pointing out this little gem of a script.
Once again Viktor Velicko supercharges LightWave with LWCAD 4.0; a suite of tools that make modeling faster and more powerful, especially architectural modeling.