A couple of days ago, TrueArt announced a new
free plugin named “UnMultishift” which was designed to make your modeling life a bit easier by ‘undoing’ bevel operations. Essentially, it’s a quicker, cleaner, and faster way to revert a bevel than the manual method of selecting a poly, expanding the selection, merging the polys and deleting the orphaned points.
There are nice, big pictures demonstrating it’s function on theÂ
UnMultishift page on the
TrueArt website.
While you’re visiting their website, be sure to check out their commercial plugins as well. They have a wide variety of products including modeling tools, file importers, and rendering solutions.
This plugin is Windows only at this point and doesn’t work with multishifts done with polygon groups.
I have yet to try this plug in out, but it looks like a handy one.
Very cool. There are times now I wish we had this on Iron Sky. We had a few models that were very problematic and needed major clean up and this would have helped out a lot!