TurbulanceFD v1.0 Released

TURBULENCEFD v1.0 RELEASEDJawset Visual Computing releases fluid dynamics and volumetric rendering plugin
with hybrid CPU/GPU simulation pipeline and real-time preview.
Aachen, Germany — March 8, 2012 – Jawset Visual Computing announces the release of TurbulenceFD v1.0, a fluid simulation and volumetric rendering plugin for Maxon Cinema 4D and NewTek LightWave 3D.
TurbulenceFD simulates and renders all kinds of gaseous fluids like fire, smoke, explosions, vapor, mist, dust and clouds. Its intuitive workflow integrates fluid dynamics seamlessly into existing scenes by using any type of animated object geometry as emitters or solid collision objects. TurbulenceFD has already been used in several TV and film productions including
- Iron Sky
- Surrogates
- Fringe
- Terra Nova
- CSI: Las Vegas
- Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
- Hybrid CPU/GPU simulation pipeline
- Multigrid Solver Technology
- Adaptive Simulation Space
- For more features see http://www.jawset.com
- GPU Based Real-Time Preview
- Physically Based HDR Fire Shader
- Render-Time Sub-Grid Detail
- Multiple Scattering
- For more features see http://www.jawset.com
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Nice plugin but awful expensive.. $528 US
While it isn’t cheap, it’s still a few hundred dollars cheaper than FumeFX for MAX and a lot cheaper than buying Maya or Houdini. 🙂