Mechanical Displays 2: DP Kit Part Move
Dana W. Burman shows how a simple node set up with DP Kit’s Part Move (Denis Pontonnier’s awesome plugin) can be used to make some rather cool and impressive moving pictures by using image sequences to drive the animation of parts.
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In this tutorial for LightWave 3D, Dana W. Burman shows how to build and animate a mechanical display with irregularly shaped panels using Denis Pontonnier's DP Kit Part Move plugin. Along the way he covers some simple modeling techniques, surfacing with the node editor, and using Part Move in animation and texturing. He also demonstrates a couple of other mechanical display scenes which are also included in the tutorial files.
Total Running Time is 2 hours 11 minutes
For more information visit the product page.
Most of this tutorial should be able to be done in LightWave 9.6 and up with the exception of a few of the modeling tools used which were added in 11.5, and the .mdd baking tools used. We did not check the LightWave 9 or 10 versions of DP Kit to see if they have the functionality used in this tutorial.
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