It’s early on Tuesday morning here at the Energia Productions offices. Ari, our compositor for a bulk of our shots from the LightWave team is here early as well and we are checking renders and other stuff from the night. The main server nose dived right in the middle of the night a few hours ago. I hope we didn’t loose anything data wise or too much time with re-rendering any frames that have failed during that downtime. Fortunately it seems that almost everything we wanted to get rendered is complete and what is left is pretty light in terms of duty cycle on the farm. There is more coming of course and I am here now working on some elements for a shot that has been dropped on my desk, incomplete from the weekend. It’s a challenging shot due to the size of what is going on during it, and also because of the state of the asset itself that has come in from Maya.
There are so many lessons that we have learned about a mixed pipeline environment and how critically important it is to have exacting control over the process from start to finish. At any one stage it is very easy to trip something up and it will plague an entire sequence of shots. Much of this I knew before coming on board, but there have still been many surprises. Some welcome, some not. One of the major lessons here is that network administration is not something to be taken lightly. Things in this kind of environment need to be optimized for speed and ease of use and safety rather than “security”. Samuli and I are discussing options for helping keep the network happy and fluffy and I think we have a solution.
When I’m finished with the show hopefully Samuli and I can do some kind of post show wrap up webinar and talk about how things went and share some of this with you. It’s very valuable information for anyone. I think that would be cool. In the mean time though we are re-arranging things here in the office now that some people have left since they are done (texturing department, modeling and some of the comp people finished on Friday) and we can gather the troops in close for the final push into enemy territory 🙂
Meow at you soon!
“When I’m finished with the show hopefully Samuli and I can do some kind of post show wrap up webinar and talk about how things went and share some of this with you”.
That would be EXCELLENT, although a more permanent presentation would be very welcome too. Maybe a very very short ebook or something wherefrom you could make some $$$, since IMO this type of info is well-worth paying for.