We are almost at the 200 day mark here for Iron Sky and our time on it (well, Luke and I that is). Right now Luke is taking a break shooting people in the head and being shot dead in some video game that he’s playing while I am going through the paces of finding the sweet spot for a render with a dozen or so HV fire, smoke and other pyrotechnics stuff in LightWave3D 11. The New Unified Sampling system really makes for some interesting results in terms of speed and quality that are very impressive, but with what I have in this scene, its still a slow cooker and we have a lot of stuff to ship on Monday. Thankfully the scene is pretty much done and ready to get broken out into render once I find a decent set of settings for this volumetrics pass. Only one more shot for myself on my list to do and then we are into final corrections, upping the quality on a few other shots that we had to push through for show and tell purposes (it happens) and we can go home.
Oh joy, home! It would be soon, yes! =^..^=
You guys have done an amazing job on this show, and I’m looking forward to see the final movie. Sad though that this show wasn’t done properly from the beginning. I wonder how much better things would have been if you guys (the LW-team) didn’t have to fix so much…
Oh well… :/
Yeah, it certainly would have been a lot easier of a ride if this was just done in LightWave from the get go. The money and time wasted on maya is just sickening really. Lesson has been learned though.
{ Hum Home on the Range while reading this… }
HOME, Home’s almost here !
Where the washers and dryers are BEST !!
Where this Kat can curl up, and rest his sore butt !!!
And Maya is not hear of AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice news. But I thought it was < 150 days till the Iron Sky premiere, how come you write about 190?
Because 190 is the days we have been WORKING on the visual FX since we arrived in the spring.
Keep it going Kat, just be sure to sleep enough. Don’t mess your back =)