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Quadpanels bugfix v1.55

Quadpanels has had a long overdue bug-fix. Due to a fix in Modeler the ‘Use from Folder’ option was failing to work when used with a new, untitled and unsaved object. This should no longer be an issue now. Update link is here!!!

QuadPanels bugfix update 1.5.3

A bug causing a Modeler 2903 error when using the nurnies-from-folder method has been fixed.

Quadpanels 1.5.2 Update

It’s been a while, but Quadpanels has enjoyed some UI love to remove an annoying flicker reported by many since LightWave3D was updated to 11.5.

Node Based Surfacing Video

In this 3 1/2hr introductory video to Node Based surfacing by James Willmott, you will learn most of the basic functions of the node editor, and how to think ‘nodally’ for power and flexibility.

Item Picker

Item-Picker-Pro A nice little picker script like the ones in Maya. Draw out hit boxes on an image of your character to pick the rig items you’ve assigned to each box.

Suess Shader

James W did a tutorial for a Dr. Seuss type sketch shader a while back. With the closure of HDRI3D magazine you can’t get the tutorial any more so it’s been scanned into a pdf and attached it here for you all, free of charge. Go to the forum to get it!

QuadPanels 1.5.1 – Bugfix

It took a long time but the engineers at Liberty3D have finally resolved the bug in QuadPanels causing it to crash on the Mac under 10.1. Click here to download the update

Spiderbait model and rig released.

William Vaughn has released his ‘Spiderbait’ model to the public. Fully textured and rigged ready for animation. Check out the link for full terms and conditions of use.

Edgepack Tools update

Regrettably, due to legal reasons, the Edgepack suite of tools has been removed from Liberty3D. We apologize for the inconvenience and will have an update on this shortly.

EdgePack Docs

EdgePack PDF Thumbnail

Jeric has posted some nicely formatted documents for the EdgePack suite of edge tools by James Willmott.

Free! Quick Modeling, Surfacing and Lighting tutorial

Artist James Wilmott posted this image to the gallery a few days ago and had a few requests to do a tutorial on it, so here it is. You’ll have to register on our forums to view it, it’s 20 minutes long and covers modeling, surfacing and lighting. Best of all, it’s completely free. No cost to register and no cost to download. Go here for the download link!

QuadPanels 1.5

QuadPanels has yet another update. New UI, random number generator and make details on a new layer.

QuadPanels Update – v1.35

QuadPanels has another update. When using the folder option to scatter objects across a surface, the new feature just added is the ability to filter that folder using wildcards, so not all the objects need to be included. Why? Well, Liberty3D and Meshweaver are offering all QuadPanels owners a permanent deal on the purchase of the Ultimate Nurnie Collection. Registered owners should contact James Willmott at jamesw (at) symmetrix3d (dot) com for their special offer code. Then go to and click on the link at the top that saysRead More

QuadPanels 1.3 – UPDATE

Quadpanels v1.3

Bugfixes , better memory handling, and some new features QuadPanels v1.32 is now out. This free upgrade to the nurnie plugin is now capable of using a folder to select custom nurnies from, and fully supports multimeshes (layers) so you can have a single file containing sets of nurnies. You can still use background layers for custom nurnies, and even use a mix of background layers and nurnies from a folder. The update from 1.2 to 1.32 significantly reduces the amount of memory used by the detailing operation. I alsoRead More

QuadPanels v1.2

Bugfixes and some new features QuadPanels v1.2 is now out. This free upgrade to the nurnie plugin is now capable of using your own custom built nurnies as details, as well as using the built in procedurals, or use a mix of the two. The Projection of procedural panels is now more precisely controllable too. ( The original post for QuadPanels can be found at ) This shows a panel using purely custom nurnies, you can tell QuadPanels to maintain the aspect and scale of the nurnies if youRead More

Colour Designer

Neat online colour selector tool discovered this morning over at William Vaughan’s Pushing Pixels site.

Letter to Animators

I was sent this link early this morning, it is a transcript of a letter by Walt Disney in December of 1935 to Don Graham, a highly respected art teacher from Chounaird Art Institute, tasked with helming art classes for Disney animators. It’s a great read for anyone interested in animation. Click here to go to the site

Quadpanels – Fast easy detailing for scifi meshes

Liberty3D’s QuadPanels, by James Willmott has now been updated. Go to here ttp:// for the updated version. I’d like to announce the v1 release of Quadpanels, my fast scifi mesh detailer for LightWave Modeler, v9.0 and up. It’s an Lscript so it works on all platforms. The plugin was created as a solution to the problem of adding nurnies/greebles to a surface. Adding random ‘bits’ to a surface can result in unrealistic geometry including deep intersections where some geometry is hidden under others etc. Quadpanels uses an iterative subdivision schemeRead More

New Forums – Game Development

A new set of forums have been set up to discuss all manner of issues related to game development ( that isn’t Unity3D specific. ) We have an area specifically set aside for the Eclipse project run by Ron “darkmatter” Richards , where hopefully you’ll soon see some more of the amazing working being done on this Crysis mod. Check it out here.

Free Px_Bezier tool from Pictrix

New bezier tool released from Pictrix