Advanced LightWave3D Modeling Projects – Chevy Impala Car Model by Lewis3D!
Get this complete project and model a 1958 Chevy Impala using spline patch modeling techniques. Lewis takes you through the entire process from start to finish including the setup of modeler to make the most efficient use of your time by placing the most often used tools in front of you for easy access. With 68 Chapters in total running just over 37 hours this tutorial will turn you into an expert Lightwave modeler! No details are left untouched, everything from modeling the base body right down to the headlights and Chevy logo are covered in full. If you have always wanted to take your modeling to the next level but were unsure where to start then this is the tutorial for you.
While not entirely intended for beginners, this tutorial will take someone from a basic knowledge of LightWave Modeler or any other modeling package and through the process of each step, teach you the tools needed to create awesome cars, trucks, planes, you name it.
A full collection of reference images necessary to build with are included with the tutorial as well as detailed chapter list which you can find here in PDF.
Get this awesome modeling tutorial now for just $39.95USD
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