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What madness is this? 40% off almost everything in the store? Yes. Use the coupon code: CYBERTURKEYDAYS in the checkout and get 40% off your purchases as you fend offRead More
It’s time for our annual Halloween sale! Use the coupon code: SPOOKY in our store at check out and get 25% We have several new titles that came out overRead More
Here is a great little pack of 14 snow setups for use in your scenes with LightWave3D 2015.x (or above)Taken from several different feature films and TV shows Kat hasRead More
It’s time for our annual Back to School sale!Use the coupon code: BTS2022L3D and get 30% off your purchases of almost everything in our store until September 10th!While youRead More
-Get it now for just $19.00 USD In this fifteenth volume of the Lightwave 2020/2019/2018 Series 3D Instructor Adam Gibson introduces LightWave 2020’s powerful surfacing toolset. Many hours went intoRead More
Kat has been hard at work preparing these for you! Get 99 amazing presets that are in many cases factory color correct and based on year of issue color schemesRead More
Kat has released Volume 2 of his DT Las Vegas Texture Pack. Taken throughout the late summer months of 2021 in the downtown Las Vegas area, these lovely photographs areRead More
Kat spent a good while walking around the Downtown Las Vegas area taking these lovely photographs for you that are perfect for textures in use with just about any 3DRead More
Get awesome new surface presets covering Glass, Gemstones and General Metals!55 Presets (.pst files) for Glass and Gems featuring smooth, double sided, opaque settings that range from physically accurate toRead More