We are very happy to let you know that Liberty3D is again bringing you an awesome update to an Uber tool. UBERCAM 1.5 for LightWave3d.
This is a major update in several ways. First off its now backwards compatible from LightWave 9.3.1 and works right up to LightWave10 across Win32 and Win64, MacUB and Mac64bit operating systems.
Secondly we have introduced 3 new cameras into the package including the wildly cool OverScan Cam (you have to try it to believe how cool it is!) and the incredibly handy camera for Arch-Vis artists; The ultra bendy and flexible SuperPano Cam. Last but not least is our Performance Camera, which you can use to test and see what camera is fastest for use in your scene.
We have also made improvements to the SkyBox Camera, Stereoscopic Cam and more! Did we mention it’s compatible with Fprime and with LightWave 10? Of course we did and of course you want more. UberCam 1.5 gives you that right now, today – even if you haven’t picked up LightWave 10 or if you have to render in 9.3.1 for whatever reason (and some people do this and for good reason).
UberCam 1.5 marks the most complete, advanced, up to date, supported and not to mention
maintained set of cameras available anywhere for LightWave3D so pick up you copy today and get working! These cameras will give you the edge to land that next client job in stereoscopic or finish a project you have now faster so you can clear off your desk and get onto the next one.
UberCam 1.5 is available now for $39.95 but don’t forget our 25% off deal (see below for details).
Paid Registered Users get this update for free! You will get the new update emailed to you shortly!
Thank you very much for your support of Liberty3D.com. To our beta testers, thank you so much. You have helped make UberCam what it is! AWESOME!
Here is the
manual for UberCam 1.5 so you can check it out!
Just $39.95USD
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