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News of the week. :)

Hey there everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that our forums are back to normal functionality. Properly registered users who may have been encountering “banned” messages should be able to access our forums without any troubles now. Now a couple of things. It may seem like we have gone “quiet” for the last couple of months but there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes here at We have some new videos already up for you on various subjects covering 3D-Coat and more coming for LightWave3D. In addition to this we are expanding and celebrating a few things this month. What exactly? Well for one, It’s our BIRTHDAY! turns 1 year old this week. A lot has happened since our founding in May 2005 when the site first went “live” and we have really enjoyed being here over the last year with the rest of you – The REAL LightWave3D (and friendly) Community. We will be having some deals here shortly on our products to celebrate our first birthday and some announcements soon! I want to personally thank everyone of you for being a part of and a special thanks to those who have helped make it possible including our citizens and supporters from around the world. Its been a great week already for Freedom and Liberty and Justice For All! Let’s keep it going! Kat Co-Founder and Citizen.

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