Render Presets For LightWave3D
Render Presets is a plugin written by Johan Steen in Python for LightWave 3D that has caught our attention and for good reason.
Here is an excerpt from his site.
“Originally created when working on a project that had me switching between a couple of different rendering settings for the same scenes over and over again. The initial iteration only contained the settings I switched between then, but for the public release most of LightWave’s common render settings are included. More settings might be added in the future when time permits.”
Thank you very much Johan! We have been needing render presets for years especially when it comes to GI and Camera settings. Johan has been making really great tools and plug-ins for many years now and this one is no different so we encourage you to check it out. Render Presets is also open source. If you are one of those coding types and know Python  then you may want to check that out too. Here is the link to the repository on GITHUB.
In the very least if you can, download it and email him and say thanks!
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This is absurdly Useful! An outstanding find & a great little plugin!