Hello Liberty3D/LightWave3D community,
Please allow me to take a moment to thank all of our supporters and customers of Liberty3d.com for making 2013 our best year ever. Next, I want to say thank you to all of our Citizens here at Liberty3d.com and extend a meowy christmas to on everyones behalf to the LightWave3D community.
Last year went out as a rough time for us emotionally with the loss of Larry “SplineGod” Shultz in November of 2012. While we mourn Larry to this day, we honor him by continuing on with his vision of bringing forward affordable, quality, hands on education for those willing to learn. Today, a little over a year later, we have been joined by Ryan Roye – another student of Larry; who has already impressed the LightWave community with his IKBoost videos and manuals. A testament in itself to Larry’s philosophy. We have expanded our catalog of products even further, with Adam Gibson in the lead for holding up his intense schedule of a new video product every couple of weeks or less. We have even been rescuing some tools from oblivion by adopting them from the original developers and offering them to the community directly while we continue work on our own in-house tools for production use, getting them ready for the general LightWave public to enjoy as well. We are also now Authorized LightWave Group product resellers and our community is growing stronger as a whole.
We had a few bumps along the way. It wasn’t all smooth sailing that’s for sure. But I am thankful for the last three and a half years of this voyage one way or the other and the last year certainly has changed us all.
2014 promises to be another year of emotional roller-coaster riding. I have no doubt about that. But like 2013, it seems that we are all a bit more in control of our own destiny.
So with that said, I say thank you and Meowy Christmas and Happy Mew Year.
Wishing you all the very best for 2014 Kat
Mreow! =^..^= Meowy Christmas and happy Mew year.
Happy Mew Year!! \:]
Great bunch of products! and a great bunch of people providing these valuable resources to our community! Wishing you a prosperous and happy new year!!
Thanks happy people!!
Happy Mew Year! =^..^=