PD Howler 2022.1 Joins the Liberty3d.com Family!
PD Howler 2022.1
“Natural media painting, video, animation, 3D, visual effects”
Experience breakthrough real-time howling performance in your image painting!
We are always wanting to assist in the development and marketing/sales of great CG art tools and the support of developers who make them so we have teamed up with Dan Ritchie, the developer of PDHowler to do just that.

One of the things I’ve immediately discovered with PDHowler is just how fast you can paint something out that looks great. Also, it can export to animated GIF, .AVI, WMV formats making it very excellent for NFT creation!
It’s incredibly fast to pick up and learn. In just 10 minutes I was able to paint out this image here and I never bothered to crack open the manual.
Some of the groovy features found in PDHowler 2022.1 are as follows
Redesigned Media Browser streamlined and faster
Remembers recently used media between sessions
Browse all brush sets at the same time on the brush shapes panel
Analytical Upscale super-resolution
Advanced noise removal with non-local-means filter
Multi-frequency CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization)
Mark stored images as indelible to survive program restart
Color picker improvements
Feather the alpha selection, distance transform filter, and more
Previous versions
New Histogram Equalize, CLAHE, and High Pass Sharpen filters
Realtime Median and Highpass filters
Rewritten eyedropper tool can now pick onscreen colors
Loading and saving of settings / keyframes in revamped Puppyray
Improved multi-monitor support remembers the last used monitor
Substantial performance improvements
Overhauled animbrush sequence loading
Export H264 and WMV video formats.
Auto-magic blemish / feature removal
Animate with the line and circle tools
Polar designer, new stamp tool, rewritten text tool and so much more!
Just $39.95USD