I am not going to speculate on the reasons why Doug Drexler and others associated with the VFX creation for Space Command have distanced themselves from the project, some rumored to have pulled out all together. I will take them at their word as Doug and others have stated online via facebook and
youtube that it’s really about creative differences. My only concern is that this was a LightWave show and we need more LightWave shows out there. Having had the privilege of working with Doug on BSG from 2005 to 2007, I am hopefully that he’s got something on the wings to sink his teeth into and I know it will be worth watching from that perspective alone.
While I’m not sure what the future is for Space Command, if it does eventually fly I hope it continues to be a LightWave project and that it comes out good for one reason and one reason only – LightWave’s involvement and how that benefits the LightWave community.
Don’t think for a second of course that Space Command was the only LightWave project on the go. Being in the “know” you could say – I am aware of some really awesome stuff coming up that is incredibly LightWave heavy and you will start to see it this fall (*Stasys is included in that, but is only a small fraction of what’s coming). So don’t panic, things are only going to get better and more awesome for us as LightWave artists and users of the product whether you are a hobbyist or a seasoned battled hardened vet in the trenches.
For the moment though its back to work. Liberty3D wishes the best to Space Command.
Good Luck!