The battle for Scar… err… sorry, I was having a BSG flash back there. Anyway, the Fight for Freedom here on Iron Sky continues. Even on weekends. I took a bit of time off today to recharge. I’m still exhausted but meh, whatever.
Part of the Ozone challenge has been resolved, but no thanks to E-On Software. It wasn’t what they suggested at all. I will have to go into details on it later but its again, all to do with their stupid copy protection and the installer of the software itself. It’s just not thought out with real world production in mind at all.
In other news, Alexx (EarthWormJim)Â and Petter (Mentalfish.com) have helped contribute to this show along with Luke’s coding and awesomeness in the form of HierClone and HierClone Select. These two tools are available and out there, but are constantly being updated and modified. So, I hope to be able to get Petter and Alexx to make a page here on Liberty3d.com that includes these “production tools” that come out of my brain of weirdness and Luke, Alexx and Petter code up and we can share them with you from one official (latest and greatest really) source. To give you an idea of just how handy HierClone is for a VFX artist like myself that works on shots where I have oh say several dozen or hundred raide…rs. Sorry, BSG flash backs again; Valkyries (our Moon Nazi UFOs) in a scene. Ok, so first HierClone can create a massive array of a single hierarchy of a ship assembly. That’s step number one. Second is to load up say, the engine loaders for one of these puppies and get it bolted onto each and everyone one of those other assemblies that I have made. Hierclone will allow me to do this easily across dozens, hundreds (haven’t tried it on thousands just yet but I am sure I will eventually get there) in seconds. Before I would have to do it by hand and that sucked. So special thanks to Alexx and Petter for taking me seriously with regards to how useful these tools are. Hopefully NewTek also takes notice as the thing would be even faster if it was a .p!
Now my next challenge of the day here is to push through a series of corrections and additional shots from a sequence that I am trying to get off my desktop. Here is a sample though of what part of one shot will look “like”. It’s a WiP so no comments please. The entire dynamics of the shot could change, so it may not appear in the film as it is here. Elements from this shot are missing obviously, but a compositing theory of mine was tested here and it worked out rather nicely. It looks great in motion but I need to put the last elements in to make it go to full awesome mode. Part of my ozone nightmare contributes to this shot sequence and that’s why I have been so pissed off with E-on over their crappy installer/licensing system. It will work on one box and then screw up on the next. You try and test it on another box and it might work but you don’t want to really use that box for rendering because its used during the day or its not as fast as the box you did install it on and it failed to work. Nightmare. Fucking nightmare. Anyway, hopefully I can get you guys some more samples soon.
Cheers from the front!

Iron Sky Valkyries!
You said “no comments on the image”, but : SWEET!
Could you upload the 3D-Model so we could use it? 🙂 I’m planning on a Iron Sky-Fan Animation… 🙂
The model is part of the downloadable content for LW11 from NewTek I believe.