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Iron Sky – Day 109

Luke has the weekend off to attend a wedding of his brothers. I unfortunately missed my brothers wedding a couple of weeks ago. Sorry Dave, I wish I could have been there, but if you want to catch up on what I have been doing then here is a video showing us at work. Luke and I had been working for about 3 days straight at this point, so we both look like hell. Luke is doing his best impression of Shaggy from Scooby Doo in this video and I’m actually sick when this was shot a couple of months ago. It’s insane. Anyway lots of great LightWave stuff behind the scenes here! More of that coming soon!

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11 Comments to Iron Sky – Day 109

  1. jeric says:

    LUVVED seeing all those LW screens, woooHOOO!

  2. jeric says:

    The one CGI diary with a lot of outside shots? Tempere looks eerily like “City 17” from Half-Life 2.

  3. Mikael Burman says:

    Nice to put some faces on you guys!

  4. awesome video, and brilliant lightwave 10 box shots placed just right in the interviews!

    keep up the fantastic work> lightwave 10 Invading earth from the dark side of the moon

  5. kat says:

    Hehehe! yeah, love to see LW featured everywhere. The behind the scenes footage for this is going to be excellent promotional material.

  6. Tony says:

    Love this little glimpse of the behind-the-scenes efforts. It all looks to be paying off and doing it splendidly!

  7. Phil says:

    I keep hoping that they will offer up a bundle of useful/usable scripts/tools (assuming not everything is production-specific) for LW (and perhaps Maya) in their store at the end of the production run. Given the heavy CG focus in the diaries, etc., it would seem like a way of pulling in some more cash as well 🙂

    • kat says:

      We will be attempting to do just that actually. Some of them like are already available or floating around out there but we will give them an official home for centralization purposes.

  8. Lardbros says:


    Just watched the video above and saw Luke, and thought, I KNOW THAT GUY!!! :o) I used to work with him!

    Hey Luke! Very glad to see your animation career is blazin’!! And using Lightwave still too, I’m VERY glad to see!

    If I wasn’t working full-time, I’d love to help you guys out a bit! If you have anything that needs doing just shout, I won’t be able to relocate, but would love to help somehow!

    The work so far is stunning… and SO glad to hear you’re using Lightwave to its fullest!

    Oh, and Luke… I managed to get my boss to buy me a copy of LW for my workstation, and have done a couple of projects using it instead of 3dsmax! Good times!

    Keep up the incredible work you lot, and I’ll be following this closely


    • kat says:

      hehee! Yes thats Luke! our resident genius! =^..^=
      Thanks for reading along and following the blog on our progress. This is a great case study, showing once again how LightWave saves Maya shows from themselves!

  9. Lardbros says:

    Genius, yep!! I’ve just spent the last few hours reading through all of your blogs from the beginning… how did I miss all this? :o)

    Anyway, say hi to Luke for me! Hope he’s not looking so zombie-like and eating less toast 😉

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