Yup, it’s that time of the year again. With Canada Day right around the corner and American Independence Day shortly after we wanted to let you know that summer for us really kicks off starting today!
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We have several new products this month from
Adam Gibson covering LightWave3D 2019’s volumetric functions that you are definitely going to want to pick up.
Still red hot are titles from Ryan Roye especially
LightWave to Unreal Bridge. It’s an absolute must have.
You what else is a must have? GlyconVR from Chilton Webb is catching fire from beyond the LightWave3D community as well as he continues almost daily to progress the product forward. With the arrival of Oculus Quest, GlyconVR is looking to be a massive game changer for motion-capture as Chilton is working to integrate support for it which is already extremely well done for other applications and headsets/trackers.
More is coming (always, we don’t stop). This sale runs until July 31st 2019,
but another important note is that if you want to get in on the group buy-in for Deep Rising FX for LightWave3D, you need to do it quick.
While we are looking at a possible extension, its going to be short and the reasons for it are to accommodate a few users on vacation and Kat who is in roto-hell at the moment but want to make sure everyone that wants in, gets in but do it roughly by July 1st if at all possible. We will keep you posted.
Make sure to email support(@)liberty3d.com to inquire about this or visit the post regarding the program or
visit this link for more details. According to Mambo, the update is ready to go!
Once Kat is freed from the feature film that he’s working on with Wes Sargent, Ryan Roye and Jeremy Hughes, more products and a slew of updates will be coming.
Count on it.