Ah yes, Tampere heat. It’s HeatWave3D here in the office at Energia, but someone had the radical idea today of shutting off the A/C and opening the windows and letting the heat out. And yes, it works. And double yes, it was my idea from 3 weeks ago. 😛
Samuli is funny. I think the heat got to him earlier in the month and its just letting off now. I nearly died yesterday after eating indian buffet while in the indian restaurant which was at least as hot as the office – but with extra spice.
While I can’t yet at this time show you L3D fans out there any additional “art work” or bits from the show, I can tell you that things are shaping up now that Tuomas Kankola is here, completing the LightWave3D team. He’s a texturing machine and I am very happy to have him on board. Tomorrow starts “previs madness!” and continues until we are finished it. Ah the VFX marathon begins, finally!
Ok before it heats up more I think I’m going to enjoy more of Samuli’s girlfriend’s wonderful strawberry cake that she brought by for us LW people to eat. Yum!
Heck, no permission yet to show anything?
Time to stir things up a bit, time to dress up like a moon Nazi, maybe that’s gonna work? 😉
Just kiddin’, but I’m very looking forward to seeing how your enjoyable stories translate to images!