Finally, after a couple of weeks of email difficulties and some consultation with Viktor of
wTools3d, the long-awaited
LWCAD group buy-in, organized by Liberty3d.com
has begun!
After organizing 3 successful group buy-ins for TurbulenceFD,we wanted to give the modeling side of the users of LightWave3D a bit of love by working with the developer of
LWCAD to bring to you its own “must have” power at a reduced price. Just like any of the group buy-ins we have organized in the past, the reduction in price depends entirely on participation, which means commitment and payment within the promotional time frame.
However, unlike the TurbulenceFD buy-ins we have done, the discount scale is a bit easier to understand and has a maximum discount floor that is fixed in place and thus predictable. Meaning simply, that once a certain number of participants is reached it can’t go any further. Yet, the total needed to get there is far less than what is required to reach the greatest discounts we have been able to hit with TurbulenceFD in any of the buy-ins we have organized to date which in one case hit nearly 50%!
So, if you have had your eye on LWCAD, now is your chance to grab it and the power it brings to LightWave3D modeler and you as an artist!
This group buy-in for LWCAD is for full, new seats only.
With a current retail price of $349.00USD, LWCAD is already an amazing and affordable product. This group buy-in will make it even more amazing for those who participate! Will you do your part to bring that price down by 10%? How about 25%? How about more? 30%? More? 40%? Beyond? It’s up to you!
In order to participate, here is what you do:
1.Put your hand up and say “I’m in!”
Starting from today (July 22nd, 2018), until Midnight, Pacific Standard Time on July 29th, when you send an email to:
support@liberty3d.com with the Subject Line: I’m in on the LWCAD Group Buy-in, you will be placed on the participation list. We will email you back directly, confirming your name gets added to the list.
When you send that email to us, make sure to include the following.
Your First and Last Name
Your current, always accessible email address for registration of LWCAD.
We also need this and ask for it as some people sometimes forget to update theirs when processing payments online using old addresses they don’t use much or no longer have access to. This also helps us on our end to make sure payments made, correctly correspond to the right participant.
Your LightWave3D Product Lock ID.
Please, no crack numbers or “serial numbers” from trial versions of LightWave3D. We cannot accept such numbers. Ever. We know what these numbers and you provide, we will politely ask for a legitimate one and fast, you are off the list. It delays things if we have to chase you for it or forget to include it. That’s why we ask for this up front so as to reduce the payment window time and know that some of you will be buying a copy for work and may not be there at the time when it comes time to pay and not have access to the number.
If you wish to pick up more than one copy,
let us know and include the LW Product Lock IDs for them as well. By providing this information up front, you doing your part to ensure you are not holding up the rest of the participants in this group buy-in from getting their copy or copies of LWCAD as soon as possible after we process the final group buy-in purchase with Victor at wTools3D/LWCAD. It also makes it easier for him when it comes time to do that getting everyone their copy fast, as he is deep in development land.
2. Make sure you have the “cash” on hand to pay when requested.
What does this mean? It’s simple. Group Buy-Ins like this work when everyone commits to the participation and pays immediately when the request comes in because the final discount price is determined by the total number of participants who say ‘I’m in” during that window. If anyone drops out after others have paid in when asked to do so, the price of their seat(s) is impacted.The purchase of everyone seats, made by us, can be delayed while we work to try and find someone to be a replacement for you. So don’t be that guy or gal!
Make sure you have space on your credit card and that it doesn’t or isn’t expired or anything like that. It happens!
Remember, because we are based in the US, there are no taxes applied to the purchase that you might otherwise pay and this group buy-in is available to LightWave3D users world-wide, (make sure your LW copy meets the requirements to run it!
Download the trial and find out here.)
3. Tell others about it and do it now!
In order to get the best discount on your copy of LWCAD, it is in your own interest to be joined by as many other users as possible who can commit as well. That comes from letting others know about it so, we encourage you to do just that by forwarding it on to someone you know who might be interested and posting this on your favorite social media sites or direct them to www.liberty3d.com for further details.
We always get asked as to what the discount will be and this leads to…
4.Understand that…
We won’t’ know what the final discount price will be until we close the participation window phase of this group buy-in. Waiting until the last minute to try and see what that price may be doesn’t help anyone including yourself, which is why I tell people who do ask to assume it will be minimal in an overabundance of caution. However, due to the way this group-buy in pricing structure is set-up, I will publicly let people know if and when the maximum discount amount has been reached if it should do so during the “I’m in!” phase and only if I’m confident that the potential for any dropouts would, not change that.
Also understand that in order for us to organize these group buy-ins takes a considerable amount of time, which I’m more than ok with while juggling my other tasks and schedule around to make possible. We do them because they are good for the community and for 3rd Party Developers who support LightWave3D. Yet they come with a considerable amount of risk. This is why a nominal fee is attached and will be included in the final group-buy in price that will be the payment request is sent. This fee is needed to cover transaction fees coming into us at Liberty3d.com, and fluctuations in exchange rates that may be a factor later affecting wTools3D and thus Viktor, who has been very kind in agreeing to this as he’s very busy with development efforts making LWCAD, even better. And we all want that.
Furthermore, depending on the final total dollar value of the purchase we (meaning Liberty3d.com) make, Viktor has requested it be done through bank wire.
Now as we all know, bank wires typically suck but thankfully, in this case, they process quickly when made from the US to another country. I completely understand Viktor’s request for this as his shop is also set up using PayPal as a credit card transaction processing company and they really, really stick it to people. They hit us with fees that they take on the way in and then again on the way out!
Because we all want everyone to get their copy of LWCAD as quickly as possible, it is for these
reasons, and this is VERY important, have set the payment window to shorter than I have in the past with other group buy-ins.
The Payment Window Phase will be a MAXIMUM of 24 Hours and starts at 12:01AM, July 30th, 2018 and closes at Midnight (12:01AM), on July 31st 2018.
There will be no extensions given. If people don’t pay in, during that window, I will have to start again and that would suck. So, don’t be that guy or gal. 🙂
In the event we reach the maximum total discount possible prior to the payment window phase date, I will let all the participants know and issue payment requests starting at that time. If all the payments come in prior to the payment window phase date expiring, I will process the order.
If for some reason you do not get the confirmation email (within a couple of hours at most) response after saying, “I’m in”. It is likely that your email provider or ISP or a filter has caused this to happen. We are aware of an issue impacting BTInternet users in the past which has still not entirely been resolved and it’s also caused issues elsewhere including our ability to communicate with Viktor recently. If this should take place and you suspect this to be the cause, I can be reached at
Skype is: dilithium
Email: djlithium @ hotmail.com
With that said, thank you for your interest and participation should you choose to do so from all of us here Liberty3d.com and wTools3D, the makers of LWCAD.