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Iron Sky – Day 119

We made a lot of progress over the weekend on several fronts. First off as I stated in my post from Saturday all of the ships have been given an overhaul texture wise for resolution, noise reduction and general load speed boosting across the board. Second, it seems we now have our first batch of truly “locked” shots that we can begin to ram through. We have currently about 19 shots that we can take to final immediately which will go in after what we have in the cue currently on the farm which will go into the finished shots stack ready for comp as they come off. This is good because now we get to put everything together not just in terms of “shot for shot” but entire portions of sequences and entire sequences themselves resulting in finished chunks of film. We also found out yesterday that we have more render nodes on order from Jimms Computers here in Finland and they should arrive sometime next week. Thankfully with these speed optimizations and render power bonuses coming on line our shots can actually get “turned up” in terms of render quality because we have optimized everything for LightWave’s render engine (which for stuff like this and more, is the best in the business and this show is another example of why). We can now do more things in terms of improving quality of the output and enhancing shots with additional elements and layers across the board because of this and still, pending any major fcuckups or last minute “directorial editorial secondguessitorial” changes, remain on schedule with some room to spare. That isn’t to say some shots still freak me out a bit as both myself and Luke, as well as Lee have some major experimenting to do on a few key shots but our combined experience and knowledge should kill these issues dead quickly. Now we just have to keep pumping through shots and still breathe on a regular basis and we will be ok. I may stay on a couple of extra weeks into December however because there may be changes to edits as per requests from various buyers of the film or for additional promotional fodder. That’s cool but i do eventually want to get back to Vancouver and then down to LA/Vegas for a bit over the winter to visit friends and finish off my EP and get it out on 12″. I may have to rent or buy some decks while I am here if I can afford it because I have been picking up records here and there from and have a full record bag with me already and I very much want to practice and record a new mix and get it out there before the end of the year. Well, my render test is almost done and it’s looking like it’s awesome so off to the render farm it goes! KatKat – Yee who giggles at frame complete beeps.

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One Comment to Iron Sky – Day 119

  1. jeric says:

    That _last_ sentence makes me worried about your mental state…. >;^)

    Did you or your boss have a sitdown w/the director and editor to , ahem, clarify “workflow protocol”? Do they have a full cut rough edit with pre-viz inserted as placeholders now?

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