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LightWave Plugin of the Week: Align to Point

This week’s plugin is Align to Point by Matt Gorner. Align to Point moves selected geometry to the last selected point with a few options.

Thanks go to Liberty3d forum member, TheMyth212, for pointing out this little gem of a script.

LWCAD 4.0 Released

LWCAD 4 showing UV map created in boolean cut

Once again Viktor Velicko supercharges LightWave with LWCAD 4.0; a suite of tools that make modeling faster and more powerful, especially architectural modeling.

Thanksgiving Sale!

The fall/winter holiday season is upon us. For some of us that means time off of work and, if you don’t have family obligations, it’s a great time to learn some new skills or add to your cg arsenal.

LightWave Plugin of the Week: Radial Move

Hi there, It’s been a crazy few weeks for me, so the plugin of the week kind of slipped through the cracks. I wanted to post something this week, but I don’t have a full blown demo to show you. I did notice a new script by Falogfx on NewTek’s forum that looks like it’ll be a handy one to have. Radial Move is a free LScript that lets you scale tubular bits of geometry while maintaining the volume of the walls, i.e. the walls of the tube don’t getRead More

LightWave Plugin of the Week: UberCam

This week’s plugin is our very own UberCam plugin. UberCam is actually a set of over a dozen cameras for LightWave. UberCam is still being maintained and improved and version 1.9 was just released.

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: Align & Distribute

Another Modeler plugin I’ve been using lately is Artur Wawrzonkiewicz’s Align and Distribute. This plugin brings Adobe-like alignment and distribution tools to Lightwave Modeler. This is an Lscript-based plugin, so it can work in several versions of LW and, since it’s free, you can easily check it out to see if it works for you. It is primarily a LW 9.x plugin, although it does partially work in LW10.1. (I’ve been using it on a Mac) The plugin can be found at the Artur’s website: – Direct Link: More

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: Truss2

After several weeks off, the Lightwave Plugin of the Week is back with another classic (i.e. older) modeler plugin: Truss2 by Koki Morioka. This plugin takes makes tubes or discs around polygon edges which makes it useful for building truss structures or scaffolding. If you need this kind of functionality and don’t have LWCAD, you should check this out. It’s Free and, since it’s an lscript, it works on most, if not all, recent versions of LW. Truss2 at Truss2 Direct Link If you have any suggestions for pluginsRead More

Spot Info Node Tutorial

Rebel Hill has a new tutorial on the Spot Info Node over on YouTube. Looks like a good one.

LALWUG: Car Paint Node Demo

Dave Jerrard demonstrates the Car Paint Node in this six-part video from a LA LW User Group meeting. There are some good tips on working in the Node Editor in here as well, so it’s worth a look, even if you aren’t a gear head.

Annosoft Automatic Lipsync Tool Now Supports LightWave

Annosoft has announced LW Morph Mixer export for their Desktop Lipsync Tool. Hit up their website for a save-restricted demo. Email them for a save-enabled demo.

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: c-plane

Cplane is an old and free plugin that gives LightWave users some of the functionality of a construction plane.

New Products Update And Back to School Savings

We haven’t been doing a great job announcing new products here lately, so here’s a list of recent additions to our store. Oh and save 30% on training, plugins, textures and models until the end of August with this coupon code: school

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: AE Link

Motion graphics artists who use Lightwave rejoice! You now have a quick, easy, reliable way to get your Lightwave scenes (motions, renders & placeholder layers) into After Effects. Not only that, but you can change the animation in LW and update the AE project with the click of a button.

Sony Vegas to Lightwave Script: LW-Link

Vincent Mesman posted a video demonstrating a script (Javascript) he wrote that creates a link between Sony Vegas and Lightwave. It looks like a nice workflow for adding 3D elements to a shot. Not only does it set the frame size and scene length (with handles), but it also transfers markers, background plates, audio, timecode and compression settings.

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: DP Instance

This week’s plugin is DP Instance by Denis Pontonnier. Why? because I already had a video recorded for it. Instancing is a great way to fill your landscape with trees or hive with bees without having to fill your scene file (or RAM) with hundreds or thousands of objects.

db&w Plugin Prices To Go Up

DB&W has announced that they will be raising their prices in September. If you were thinking about buying infiniMap, exrTrader, or shaderMeister, you might want to go ahead and buy them this month.

The announcement was made June 28 via Twitter and on their Facebook page.

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: Rope Editor Plus

Rope Editor Plus: If you need to make ropes or cables or anything that is rope-like, this is a plugin you should look at.

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: Worley Labs

This week we highlight a whole bunch of plugins from Worley Labs. Sure, they’re not new, but most of them are still useful, and now they’re a whole lot cheaper!

Painting with Polygons

This video is a couple of years old now, but it’s a well-done presentation that’s worth watching more than once. It’s a nice example of using tools in ways their authors probably never intended. From the video’s description: “Most non-photorealistic rendering solutions tend to involve brilliant but unwieldy new technologies, such as volume-based rendering engines or complex image analysis. Similar results can often be using simpler methods and non-proprietary toolsets, even toolsets designed with other effects in mind. Our studio has been experimenting with ways to achieve a hand-painted lookRead More

Lightwave Plugin of the Week: vRoom

Test of the vRoom plugin

Hi, and welcome to the first LW plugin of the week post here at There are a lot of amazing plugins for Lightwave out there, and not all of them are well known. We’ll be covering both free and commercial plugins made by Liberty3D citizens, and by others. This week we are highlighting vRoom by Eurisko Studios (Luke Whitehorn). vRoom puts virtual rooms behind the windows in buildings (and, I presume, space ship) renders. Here is a simple test I did with the plugin demo: There is no internalRead More